In our Salon we use Chromastics which colors are rich in tones and penetrate into the cortex which means they are long lasting. And great for African-Americans. So, I knew that if She really wanted this color that we would have to find the best fitting and something subtle. Why subtle? well, 9 times out of 10 when someone is very quick to pick a color. The following week they will have (what I call) "Color Remorse". And just as I thought She wanted a Black and I am not talking about a regular 1N, I am talking about the Blackest of them all! A blue base black which is a very strong color, and when it comes to that color you can only do Permanent.
Now, the lady to me had a Kim Kardashian skin tone which I thought was too light to have such a dark color. I gave her other suggestions and told that I personally do not think that, that would be best for her. But, she continued to insist that, thats what she wanted. So, just like in every other customer service job, the number 1 rule is "The customer is always right." So, I did what I was paid to do. I pray she doesn't come back with "Color Remorse".
Unfortunately, She refused to listen to me but I hope you guys will take my tips into consideration before getting a color:
1. The first rule to getting a color is Always, Always, Always get it done professionally. When getting color from the Drugstores the contain the most harshest ingredients; Metallic Salts and Dyes that eat away at the hair.
2. When unsure about what color try Semi-Permanent, they wash out very easily and are the safest of colors.
3. I believe in contrast, never chose a color within 4 shades of your skin tone. They tend to wash you out.
4. Never get a Permanent Color unless you are totally, positively sure about what color you want.
African American Synthetic Wig Collection by Beverly Johnson
5. One of the best ways to see if you would really like a certain color, go to the beauty stores and try on different wigs.
6. Please listen to your stylist take whatever she/he has to say into consideration. They most likely know what they are talking about.
7. If you have a relaxer wait at least 3 weeks until getting a Permanent Color, relaxers dry out your hair and so do colors. You want enough time to restore your moisture.
8. And last but not least, after Permanent Colors on your next salon visit ask to get a deep condition. It helps your hair to stay strong and your color to stay vibrant.
I hope you use these tips when you are ready to change your color!
KinkyGirlHair xoxoxo